Sunday, December 27, 2015

Kangaroo Island here we come...

Started off this morning on the annual pilgrimage called our Christmas holidays...we decided that Kangaroo Island was the place to be in 2015/16...

Because Greg is in a boot, Dan and I did most of the driving with Ethan driving the last 100 kilometres from Wagga Wagga to Narrandera...didn't think much of Wagga but Narrandera is a gorgeous clean country town...had a nice meal at the pub which was lucky as there was nothing much open...

Went looking for the koala's Ethan spotted one that was pretty close to the bottom of the tree, the one I spotted was like a blob on the branch...I'm having trouble getting the photos on here but after the koala spotting we decided to go and look for some more and Dan turned the car around right into a massive hole...took awhile to get out with Greg, Ethan and I having to push as Dan floored it....

Massive day tomorrow with around 800 kilometres to drive to get to Murray Bridge...
The Star Hotel...

Narrandera Railway Station.

What a cutie, this is the one that Ethan spotted....

Love how you drive home from the golf much?

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