Saturday, January 3, 2015

Found the perfect scales

I have found the perfect scales in our bathroom, they weigh you at 10 kilo's lighter than you I am sure there is a market for them....I know I could use them....
Had breakfast and we are heading out to the jade market this morning and also to the old coin shop....
Have half packed as we are going back to Hong Kong this afternoon on the train, have had a really good time here....Most of the push bikes here have little motors in them and they just love to use their horns beeping away as they go down the wrong side of the road...last night Dan and I went out and as we were coming back the Police were all lined up with sticks not sure what that was all about but they don't seem to be too scared of the Police...the Police yell at them and they just ignore them or argue back at them....
It was such a cool shopping centre, there were displays of various things everywhere you looked...I don't think I have a photo but there were life size driftwood horses as well..
Inside the Tianhe fashion shopping centre

Dan was trying to get me to buy the iced tea...umm, no my tea does not look like that...

Cactus garden inside the shopping centre.

Now I don't really understand this but it was a Japanese comic thing...

They were all dressed up as characters..

Inside the same shopping centre...

Here is the undies that are supposed to be Calvin Klein or are they? I know that Cervil Ken is my brand of choice.....

1 comment:

  1. I am so many days behind! My Internet has been too slow to read the blogs.
    Looks like fun
